
Re-attachable EBS volumes and Terraform

I’ve recently been migrating my company infrastructure from Rackspace to AWS. Part of that process has been setting up servers for my private Git source code and my Jenkins deployment pipeline. My new infrastructure is fully software defined and uses boto3 and Terraform. Part of my recent struggles have been about preparing an EBS volume […]

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Getting CocoaPods and Xcode 8.0 to play nicely with Swift

I’d been having a problem where I was yo-yoing backwards and forwards between CocoaPods and Xcode, each presenting a warning which once remedied would cause the other to raise a warning. The issue is around embedding Swift Libraries when working on a Swift based project. There are two settings, one deprecated EMBEDDED_CONTENT_CONTAINS_SWIFT and one more […]

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JSP / JSTL: Always declare your beans where they are read / written

JSP errors within WebSphere Commerce applications at the best of times are hard to debug, at the worst of times it is a gruelling experience searching through JSPs to find flow control structures that best match errors spat out in your logs to try and localise the problem. To prevent these issues we have to use a bit of additional thought… One tip is to always declare your beans locally.

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Using Highland streams for event handling

Streams enable you to effectively develop scalable and responsive systems. Rather than using typical event handler / listener functions we can instead model events as a stream, this allows us to apply transformations and work with events (and multiple event occurrences) at a higher level.

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Null values in ColdFusion

ColdFusion doesn’t really have a concept of null values, ColdFusion has JavaCast( “null”, “” ) for when you want to pass a null into a Java object but what happens when your Java object returns a null?

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